Indeed, the water you drink from your tap might seem clean. However, this clear and seemingly harmless liquid is often ridden with various contaminants. Ordinarily, your body should be able to handle these contaminants. But, there’s only so much the human immune system can take.

This is where a top-of-the-line water filtration system comes in handy. Using it will help ensure that you’re only ingesting the cleanest possible versions of your drinking water. Like many other products, services, and markets, various companies produce water filtration systems, and they all vie for supremacy.

One such company is Brita, which has been a significant player for decades. Another is ZeroWater that looks very promising. In this piece, we’ll compare ZeroWater vs. Brita to determine which functions better.

ZeroWater vs. Brita Comparison Table

ZeroWater and Brita have different products. For this comparison table, we’ll be using the average ZeroWater pitcher and a Brita Grand.

S/NPitcher AttributeZero WaterBrita
1Filter5 stagesStandard
3Capacity10 Cups10 Cups
4Warranty90 Days90 Days
5Lifespan3-5 Months2 Months
40 Gallons approximately

Zero Water vs. Brita: A Quick Intro

Before delving fully into the differences and similarities between these two water filtration giants, it’s essential to have basic information about them and understand how they work.


In the world of water filter pitchers, ZeroWater is a relatively big name. The company currently has different products in the market that can filter anything between six to forty cups of water for cleanliness. The advanced filtration systems of these products make them useful whether you’re at home, in a recreational vehicle, or even at work.

The brand is renowned for its excellent features and certifications like the NSF, which has existed since 1944. The latter especially lends credence to its premium nature.

ZeroWater is the newer of the two brands in this Brita vs. ZeroWater comparison. However, it makes some pretty bold claims. One such claim is that it can take out more than 99% of all dissolved solid materials in water. Impressively enough, it does fairly well in standing up to those claims.

Finally, its pitchers come with a unique 5-stage filtration mechanism that has ion exchange abilities.


Much like ZeroWater, Brita is also relatively popular in the industry. Having spent several years in the market, it has a reasonably wide range of products. These include faucet filter systems, pitchers, and water bottles that aid water filtration efforts of households and individuals alike.

Much like its counterpart in this Brita versus Zerowater review, Brita functions on high standards. The system can take out different contaminants from chemicals to dirt to metals and even foul odors and tastes.

The ion exchange resin in Brita water filters enhances the activated carbon filters and makes it possible to remove harmful water-hardening minerals. These would otherwise be difficult to handle.

Finally, and in simple terms, Brita is fast. It can get clean water into your glass in less than a minute.

ZeroWater vs. Brita: What’s the Similarity?

Despite being competitors within the market, ZeroWater and Brita still have a few similarities that they share.

One of the most obvious, easily noticeable from our comparison table above, is their warranty period. Both (Brita or Zerowater) tend to provide the same amount of warranty time of about 90 days for their products. Although the intricacies of their warranty policies might differ and cover a variety of damages, it is still essentially the same duration.

Beyond this, they both have excellent chlorine removal capabilities. It’s a well-known fact that chlorine is perhaps one of the most significant negative influencers of taste in water. Both companies treat the removal of chlorine as a bare minimum of sorts. As such, their products can easily handle the removal of this foreigner.

Additionally, Brita and ZeroWater are both certified by the NSF. This lends credence to their quality.

ZeroWater vs. Brita: What’s the Difference?

Is ZeroWater better than Brita? To answer that question, it’s best to know what differences lie between these two products first.

Most noticeably, ZeroWater has a more sophisticated filtration system in its products. The brand uses a peculiar 5-step filtration process to get your drinking water as clean as possible before you ingest it. Brita, on the other hand, is also quite thorough in filtering dirt from water. However, their system isn’t quite as unique as ZeroWater’s multiple-stage method.

This difference between filtration systems leads to another point of dissonance between the two. Brita, with its relatively uncomplicated filtration system, is usually able to get your drink ready in a minute or less. ZeroWater, on the other hand, usually takes a hit more time than that.

ZeroWater Vs Brita: Filtering Performance

In this context of ZeroWater pitcher vs Brita, a performance comparison checks how well each brand functions in removing contaminants from water.

ZeroWater Performance

1. Flavour and Odor Reduction

The water you drink should generally have a little taste and smell as possible. It’s one of the basic qualities of clean drinking water. ZeroWater, despite its five stages of filtration, isn’t excellent in totally eradicating flavors and odors in filtered water.

Indeed, the brand’s products can assist with getting rid of odors that’ll make drinking water otherwise unpleasant. However, you might still have to deal with a metallic taste if you use ZeroWater to get rid of flavors.

2. Contaminants Removal

In this regard, ZeroWater is well-respected in the industry. It is certified by the NSF to be able to filter out aesthetic contaminants and health hazards. These include a diverse range of pollutants like chlorine, organic chemicals, lead, etc.

You should, however, keep in mind that ZeroWater, much like its counterpart, isn’t designed to protect you from all the parasites and bacteria that come with untreated water.

3. Filtering Time/Flow Rate

ZeroWater products are often marketed as “filter as you pour.” However, actual performance tests reveal otherwise. To elaborate, allow us to mention that ZeroWater has a reservoir you can fill with water. The water will flow through a cartridge and into the pitcher. However, owing to all the processes and stages that ZeroWater takes its liquids through for filtration, it can take quite a bit of time to complete filtration. You can expect to wait as long as six minutes to get a glass of filtered water from the pitcher in some products.

Brita Performance

1. Flavor and Odor Reduction

Brita products are generally excellent for flavor and odor reduction in water. Many who have used it consider it very good because it can filter out all unpleasant odors easily. However, it might leave just a slight off-taste.

2. Contaminant Removal

Much like its counterpart, Brita products are excellent at removing aesthetic pollutants and health hazards from water. More specifically, the products can help you filter out chlorine, lead, organic chemicals, etc. It, however, cannot be used on untreated water.

3. Filtering Time/Flow Rate

Brita doesn’t use a reservoir in its pitchers, and it certainly doesn’t pass water through as many filtration stages as ZeroWater. For these reasons, it can quickly help you filter dirt from water in less than two minutes. 

Brita vs ZeroWater: Pitcher Models & Price

As you can imagine, each brand has its unique list of products in the market. These products vary in shape and size and offer one advantage or the other.

Brita Pitcher Models

Currently, Brita has around 15 well-known pitcher models in the market. These come at varying capacities with various advantages. Regardless of which one you choose to purchase, you can either use a LongLast filter or a standard filter. The former, as the name implies, is designed to last longer. The latter can only last about two to three months tops. Below are the available models of the Brita water filter:

  • Space-Saver
  • Monterey with Longlast Filter
  • Metro
  • Grand
  • Space-Saver
  • Lake
  • Pacifica
  • Wave
  • Ultraslim Stream® Dispenser
  • Soho
  • Rapids Stream® Pitcher
  • Everyday
  • Stream® Cascade Pitcher
  • Ultramax Dispenser with Longlast Filter

ZeroWater Pitcher Models

ZeroWater also sells a range of different pitcher models. Unlike Brita, which has different filter types, the primary difference between ZeroWater pitcher models lies in their capacity, shapes, and sizes. The prices of these models range from $20 – $70, depending on what you’re getting.

Below is a complete list of the available models in the market:

  • Stainless Steel 11-Cup
  • Bottle Filtration System
  • 40-Cup Pitcher
  • 30-Cup Pitcher
  • 20-Cup Pitcher
  • 12-Cup Pitcher
  • 10-Cup Pitcher
  • 7-Cup Pitcher
  • 6-Cup Pitcher

Filter life & Replacement Costs

Even as we talk about ZeroWater versus Brita, it’s important to mention that the pitcher is just one part of the filtration system’s anatomy. Each brand’s product can be broadly divided into the pitcher itself and the filter. Depending on the amount of work it does, the filters can get damaged or old and need replacement. In this section of our Brita vs Zero Water comparison, we’ll detail the cost of replacement and lifespan of the average Brita and ZeroWater filter.

ZeroWater Filters

These tend to only be able to filter up to 25 gallons of water in their lifetime. The reason for such a short lifespan isn’t very farfetched. ZeroWater filters have up to five filtration stages. This makes them more open to a wider range of contaminants that will weaken or clog the filtration system, reducing its lifespan significantly.

However, it still depends largely on how good or bad your tap water is. You won’t need to rely so heavily on the filtration system with good water, and you can expect it to last longer. With the inverse being the case, you’ll get the opposite results. The ZeroWater filter is worth about $15.

Brita Filters

Brita has two main types of water filters. The first is the standard filter, and the second is called the Longlast filter. The standard filter can get you through about 40 gallons of water. This equals a 2-month lifespan before needing a replacement. But, like ZeroWater filters, your filter lifespan is still largely determined by the water quality.

One Brita water filter can cost you around $6.50. Three can cost around $15, while six often go for $25, give or take. This gives you a reasonable amount of value for your money.

The LongLast filter that Brita offers can get you through 120 gallons of water. That equals roughly six months, depending on your tap water quality. One LongLast water filter costs around $17, while two can cost around $33.

Ease of Use & Maintenance

The primary function of your water filter is to provide you with clean water to drink when you need it. However, this doesn’t excuse it from the responsibility of being easy to use.

In this part of our ZeroWater pitcher vs. Brita, both brands performed relatively well. Brita, for example, has excellent seals that help ensure that water doesn’t spill while you pour. ZeroWater, on the other hand, easily and securely screws its giant filters to the reservoir. Additionally, replacing the filters on both of them is very easy. The same goes for cleaning the two.

Naturally, things get a little more complex when you’re using a larger pitcher. However, it’s often not a major inconvenience.

Recent Customers Feedback

Both brands have quite the customer base already, with a lot of feedback from said customers across the internet.


Brita has thousands of positive reviews across the internet on several of its products. On Amazon, for example, the brand’s standard filtering cartridges are rated 4.7 out of 5. This rating is based on about 27,000 reviews. Many people are particularly drawn to Brita’s effectiveness at getting the job done while remaining affordable and easy to use. Some customers, however, have mentioned the accuracy problem of Brita’s replacement indicator. So, it might be best to replace depending on your usage and tap water quality.


ZeroWater, too, doesn’t lag too far behind in terms of customer feedback. It has upwards of 22,000 reviews across the web with an average rating of about 4.5 out of 5 stars. Most people like that the TDS comes free with the product. However, others mentioned that ZeroWater filters don’t often last as long as advertised. This could easily be attributed to the quality of their tap water.

Expert Guide to Pick the Better Option: Zero Water Vs Brita

Having said all that needs to be said about these two, it’s evident that they’re both excellent brands in their own right. However, many people still have a challenge deciding which water filter pitcher is best for them.

In truth, we can understand why that is so. They both have their advantages and disadvantages that make it difficult to finally settle on one. Suppose you’re having the most challenging time deciding which is best for you. In that case, you could follow our baseline recommendations for the two brands:

Who Should Go For ZeroWater?

You can consider going for ZeroWater instead of Brita if:

  • You don’t mind waiting for some time before you get your clean glass of water. The wait, as you can imagine, is occasioned by the multiple filtration stages.
  • You prefer having your water thoroughly and properly filtered through all five stages of purification. This naturally comes with ZeroWater, and, in a way, it guarantees that your water would be cleaner and fresher.
  • You’d like to have a TDS alongside your water filter to test its purity after the product has filtered it.
  • You don’t mind having less variety. Brita has about fifteen products in the market. This is quite the amount compared to the popular nine listed for ZeroWater.
  • You’re okay with frequent filter replacements as long as the filters are top-notch. The frequent replacements would likely be occasioned by ZeroWater’s average lifespan of 25 gallons of water.

Who Should Go For Brita?

You can consider going for Brita instead of ZeroWater if:

  • You prefer to have your water filtered quickly. On average, Brita can purify water in a minute or less. The only catch is that it doesn’t go through as many steps or stages as ZeroWater.
  • You’d like a little more variety. Brita has fifteen products in the market. It also has two broad types of water filters with varying lifespans. This gives you a lot no of choices.
  • You want to have your filters for more extended periods. The LongLast filter that Brita offers can get you through six months of filtration, depending on your tap water quality. This dramatically reduces the need to constantly buy a new filter.

Bottom Line: What Pitcher Brand is the Better Performer of 2022?

ZeroWater and Brita are certainly not babes in the woods as far as water filtration pitchers are concerned. They both offer excellent products with great value for your money at really affordable prices.

However, in this ZeroWater vs. Brita comparison, we’d have to go with Brita. For starters, it provides you with speed in a fast-paced world while still maintaining a significant level of quality. Additionally, it has filters that can last for a substantial amount of time without getting worn down or needing to be replaced perpetually.

Granted, ZeroWater is more thorough in its approach to water filtration. But it doesn’t wholly sweep Brita out of the game. The final winner? Brita.

Beatrice Stone
Beatrice StoneView all Posts

Beatrice Stone is a freelance writer for homemaking magazines and publications with almost 10 years’ experience. Her interests in electronic appliances influenced her career as a houseware appliance product tester. In addition, she commits her time to exploring and discovering new product designs and development.

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